Making a Complaint

If you face any discrepancies or dissatisfaction from your insurance company or takaful operator, there are different avenues where you can lodge a complaint to resolve the problem before taking your case to court.

Complaints Unit of the insurance company or takaful operator

You should first submit your complaint to the Complaints Unit of your insurance company or takaful operator.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the complaint resolution, you can submit your complaint either to the FMB or Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM). The Complaints Unit should advise you on the next proper avenue to deal with your complaint.

When forwarding your complaint to either OFS or BNM, attach a copy of the decision letter of the insurance company or takaful operator.

To allow your complaint to be handled effectively you need to:
– Make your complaint in writing.
– State essential information of your case clearly such as the name of the insurance company or takaful operator.
– Mention your complaint in a sensible order and include relevant dates and reference numbers, e.g. the policy or certificate number and vehicle registration number, if relevant; give your contact address and telephone numbers.
– Attach copies of the relevant documents and keep the originals; and keep a copy of your complaint letter for reference.

If the Complaints Unit of the insurance company cannot settle the issue to your satisfaction. You can refer your case to the Ombudsman for Financial Services (OFS).

  • OFS is an independent body established to resolve disputes arising from an insurance policy or takaful certificate free of charge.
  • If you need to submit your complaint to OFS, it must be done within six months from the date of final decisions of the insurance company or takaful operator.
  • If OFS makes a decision in your favour, the insurance company or takaful operator must abide by the decision.

Click here to find out how to lodge an report with OFS