Case Study

The following case study are extracted from OFS (Ombudsman for Financial Services) annual report. These case study would be helpful to better understand your rights.

Life Insurance
Death Claim – Policy Lapse

Medical Insurance
Follow-up treatment exceeded the 90-day post-hospitalisation period
Non-disclosure of medical history in the proposal form
Treatment Rejected by the Insurer as it was Preventive in Nature
Is it medically necessary

Investment link Insurance
Mis-selling of investment-linked insurance products

Motor Insurance
Failure to take reasonable precautions to safeguard the vehicle from loss or damage
Failure to take reasonable precaution to safeguard the vehicle from loss or damage (II)
Insurable Interest
Breach of Policy Conditions
Loss Adjuster’s Recommendation on Cost of Repairs
Compensation for Assessed Repair Time (CART)
Dispute on Claim Settlement Amount (Market value)
Cost of Repair due to Act of Nature
Loss of vehicle due to Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust (CBT)

Fire Insurance
No Coverage
Break-In Claim

Equipment All Risk Insurance
Water Damage to Equipment due to Flood

Contractor All Risk Insurance
Theft Loss of Construction Material

Travel Insurance
Misinformation by Agent – Charges incurred for hotel quarantine
Travel Inconveniences Benefits Claim
Loss of Money due to Theft

If you believe you have been treated unfairly by your insurance company. You can bring your dispute to OFS for settlement. Click here to learn how to lodge a dispute with OFS.